Building & running CommTech teams


Moving to CommTech also has three key implications for your team:

  • First, you will need new kinds of talent and skills, either by acquiring new people with expertise or training existing teams to be fluent with CommTech. Likely it will be a combination of both.
  • Second, you must reevaluate your team’s processes, including how information is shared and how decisions are made. CommTech demands nimble, empowered teams acting with autonomy based on a prescribed system of understanding data, and acting upon it.
  • This leads to the third area: team culture. In what ways can you foster a mindset of constant innovation and risk-taking? How can you shift from the conventional practice of letting experience guide decision-making and fully embrace data as a driving factor? What does it mean to operate in real-time, and how must accountabilities shift to allow for that? These are all aspects of culture that must be addressed.

What profiles do you need?


What processes do you need?


What culture do you need?

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